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MCJ 2023 Washington, DC
African American Museum

Museum, Karaoke & Family Tree

Sunday Dinner

Thank You

Host: Tamika Law and Jaali Boyd and family


Again, thank our hostess - Tamika and others that helped make this MCJ Reunion a huge success!

Wrap up


Total Revenue from dues $14,065

Total Expenses - $18,141


Adults - 117, Children - 51, College Students - 8, Seniors - 55

Totaling 229 paid attendees

(Note: attendance for brunch 235-240)


  • Friday - Meet and Greet Pizza Party

  • Saturday - Breakfast, Business Meeting, Group Trip to African American Musuem

  • Sunday - Banquet w/band

NEW Fee structure beginning 2024

Adult dues - $100

Adult Seniors - $80 (ages 60 and up)

Veterans - $80 (any age that qualifies as a veteran)

College Students - $75 (ages 18 and up)

Children - $60 (ages 13 - 17)

Children - $45 (ages 6 - 12)

Children - FREE (ages 0 - 5)

Suggested Families be capped at $350.00 (Two adults and children leaving in same household)

Upcoming reunion sites: 

2024 - Phoenix - Kay

2025 - Chicago - Dorothy (Ann)

2026 - Indianapolis - Mose...need to double check

Other cities interested in hosting - Memphis, Dayton, New Orleans and Austin

MCJ Funding - Doris talked about funding the MCJ Reunion through our 501-3C non-profit organization. Suggested we ask the companies we work for to contribute. Also suggested asking for donations for birthdays on Facebook.  Asked that we think of other ways to get funds donated. These additional donations will help fund our reunions.

4. Scholarships - Pre-K to Adult eligible to receive scholarship money.  Adult requirement must be first degree such as Bachelor degree to qualify.  New rule established: Must send report cards at end of school year and no later than August 24th. 

Email report cards to:

NOTE: No more sending report cards during reunion time.

5. MCJ Reunion dues - Everyone agreed to vote on increasing future dues

MCJ website - Ernest explained how to access the MCJ website.  New attendees must go on line to register their email and contact information in order to receive updates and forth coming information.

MCJ Facebook administrator is Akiva and “MCJ Family Reunion” is the official page

7. MCJ officers - President (Ernest), Vice President (Kay), Secretary (DeeDee), Dean of Scholarships (Pam)

We are asking our young people to volunteer to step up and be trained to help keep this wonderful tradition going!

Closing  send off prayer - Pastor Brian Collins

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Lettie M Stokes
Scholarship Recipients

36 report cards! - $3105.00 for scholarships

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